academie – ACADEMIE COR IESU Académie Cor Iesu Wed, 07 Aug 2024 14:52:56 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 academie – ACADEMIE COR IESU 32 32 Philanthropie et christianisme 2024 Thu, 11 Jul 2024 14:29:44 +0000 Read more…]]> Dr. Roseanne Mirabella, Professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Affairs and Executive Director of the Center for Community Research and Engagement at Seton Hall University brought a group of 10 undergraduate students for an intensive three-credit course in which she and Dr. Robert White, Director of the Académie Cor Iesu, explored the Christian roots of philanthropy in Western society and the nature and meaning of charity from theological, philosophical and public policy perspectives.

Daily classes and seminar sessions examined the influence of Christianity on the development of philanthropy from the first through the twenty-first century. Among the authors studied were Aristotle, the books of the Old Testament, the Gospels, the Rule of St. Benedict, St. Gregory the Great, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Ignatius of Loyola and others from the Christian tradition. The texts were studied to provide clues for understanding the role of Christianity in the formation of societal expectations and the public and private structures established around philanthropic giving and receiving. Students were also encouraged to examine and discern the ultimate purposes of philanthropy and charity in their daily lives through a series of service-learning encounters with local civil and ecclesiastical authorities, focused on considering the issues surrounding immigration in France.

The course, which also featured cultural experiences in Paray-le-Monial and in Paris, fulfilled Seton Hall University’s Engaging the World Core 3 requirement and could double count as an elective for Non-profit minors, Political Science majors or Catholic Studies majors.

“Visiting Paray-le-Monial with Dr. White and the Académie Cor Iesu was one of the best experiences of my life. Getting to see the birthplace of the Sacred Heart as well as the many ways in which people chose to honor it gave me a better understanding of the Catholic faith and the power it holds. Dr. White made sure that we met with leaders from multiple walks of life and had the ability to ask any questions we wanted. It is an amazing experience, and I would highly recommend studying here.” - Grace Shearer, Sophomore in B.A. Social Work, Buccino Leadership Institute at Seton Hall University.

"Thank you to the Academie and Dr. White for giving me incredible cultural immersion opportunities and aiding in my learning of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. I have loved my time in France and would recommend this study abroad experience to anyone interested!" – Sydni Harris, Senior in B.A. Political Science & Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences Special Projects Intern, Buccino Leadership Institute Executive Admissions Team at Seton Hall University.

“I am so grateful for the opportunity to study with Academie Cor Iesu. Having the opportunity to learn about the great issues of today and meet with leaders who are tackling them head on was truly life changing. It was an experience I will never forget.” - Tim Dziekan, Final Year of Masters in Public Administration at Seton Hall University.

L’absolu et l’intellect : l’éducation catholique et marianiste Fri, 14 Jun 2024 14:35:52 +0000 Read more…]]> June 9-14, 2024

The first summer faculty workshop sponsored by the San José-Lonergan Chair in Catholic Philosophy at St. Mary’s University took place in Bordeaux the week of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The workshop focused on themes that professors from across the various disciplines at this Marianist University built on the work that participants had already been exploring from the writings of Bernard Lonergan, SJ, over the past few years on their campus in San Antonio, Texas. 

The workshop focused on the chair Dr. James Greenaway’s book Interiority: An Introduction to Bernard Lonergan’s “Transcendental Method.” Faculty, including professors from the Business School, the Biology Department and the Social Communications Department, were challenged to discuss Lonergan’s vision of a Catholic approach to higher education, the intersectionality of the various fields of study based on epistemological and scientific principles, and the universal goal of pursuing the truth as a means of recognizing the dignity of study as an expression of human dignity, promoting academic activity as fundamentally an aesthetic sensibility, and encouraging research in all fields as an instrument for building a just and good society.

Participants in the workshop had to choose an "area of responsibility" for "ATM" in order to adapt Lonergan's method to their own research and teaching. In the final session, each professor had to present their proposal. Before the beginning of the new academic year, each is responsible to present a written project to the chair for evaluation and suggestions for implementation.

"Experiencing the origins of the Marianist tradition at its birthplace in Bordeaux, France was an amazing, week-long experience. The cultural immersion enhanced the discussions on Catholic Intellectual Tradition and philosophy, making it more vivid and real." - Lori Boies, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, School of Science, Engineering, & Technology at St. Mary’s University.

“Keep doing this. Every St Mary’s University professor should attend a transformational workshop like this at least once during her/his time at our university.” - Sergio Palacios Wulschner, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation) Director, Meadows Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, Greehey School of Business at St. Mary’s University.

“I was unaware of the excellence and touch of class that Robert White’s Academie Cor Iesu brings to the workshops before travel. Indeed, Academie Cor Iesu provided a genuinely inspiring setting which made it easier for each of us to rise to the challenge of giving our best to the work of the workshop. Needless to say, St. Mary’s will be looking forward to future collaborations.” - James Greenaway, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, San José-Lonergan Chair in Catholic Philosophy at St. Mary’s University.

JULY 10 – OCTOBER 1, 2023



JULY 10-22; AUGUST 8-14, 2023

La chapelle du monastère sera ouverte tous les jours entre 8H et 20H pour la vénération des reliques : tous les jours de 14H à 17H30 les reliques seront exposées.



Mr Jacques GAFFIOT
Organizer of the exposition

Fr. Philippe-Marie MARGELIDON, op
Organizer of the centenary celebrations for the Dominican Province of Toulouse

Dr. Robert WHITE
Director of the Académie Cor Iesu

Fr. Emmanuel PERRIER, op
H.E. Most Rev. Jean-Louis BRUGUÈS, op
President of the Académie Cor Iesu
Fr. Thomas MICHELET, op
Fr. Philippe-Marie MARGELIDON, op


H.E. Most Rev. Jean-Louis BRUGUÈS, op

Fr. Philippe-Marie MARGELIDON, op

H.E. Most Rev. Jean-Louis BRUGUÈS, op

Fr. Philippe-Marie MARGELIDON, op

Philanthropie et christianisme 2023 Sun, 02 Jul 2023 15:12:23 +0000 Read more…]]> June 23 – July 2, 2023

Dr. Roseanne Mirabella, Professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Affairs and Executive Director of the Center for Community Research and Engagement at Seton Hall University brought a group of at least 15 undergraduate students for an intensive three-credit course in which she and Dr. Robert White, Director of the Académie Cor Iesu, explored the Christian roots of philanthropy in Western society and the nature and meaning of charity from theological, philosophical and public policy perspectives.

Daily classes and seminar sessions examined the influence of Christianity on the development of philanthropy from the first through the twenty-first century. Among the authors studied were Aristotle, the books of the Old Testament, the Gospels, the Rule of St. Benedict, St. Gregory the Great, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Ignatius of Loyola and others from the Christian tradition. The texts were studied to provide clues for understanding the role of Christianity in the formation of societal expectations and the public and private structures established around philanthropic giving and receiving. Students were also encouraged to examine and discern the ultimate purposes of philanthropy and charity in their daily lives through a series of service-learning encounters with local civil and ecclesiastical authorities, focused on considering the issues surrounding immigration in France.

The course, which also featured cultural experiences in Paray-le-Monial and in Paris, fulfilled Seton Hall University’s Engaging the World Core 3 requirement and could double count as an elective for Non-profit minors, Political Science majors or Catholic Studies majors.

“My time at the Académie Cor Iesu was full of wonder and intrigue. From being in a brand-new country, to learning about a deep religious foundation represented throughout … every class session I attended, and every learning opportunity was full of … excitement. I realized how lucky I was to learn more about … the town and interact with the townsfolk, who took an interest in us and were incredibly welcoming. I recommend the Académie to anyone who wants a different learning experience and is open to other cultures.” – Carlene Philander, Political Science Major and Junior at Seton Hall University.

“Studying in Paray-le-Monial was a transformative experience that allowed me to intimately understand our class discussions of philosophy, including Aquinas and Aristotle, in a private, beautiful setting. Meeting the sisters at the Chapel of the Visitation and praying in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart allowed me to have a closer connection with my faith abroad, while interacting with the local community broadened my understanding of French language and culture beyond my classroom knowledge.” - Lauren-Marie Diawatan, Double Major in Economics & Philosophy and Senior at Seton Hall University.

“Studying abroad in Paray-le-Monial was truly the experience of a lifetime. From being able to create lasting friendships, to being educated by professors who are rooting for our success - If I could relive the experience again, I would.” - Julia Glowacki, Political Science Major and Junior at Seton Hall University. “This experience helped me see how Christianity intersects with serving those in need. I felt very comfortable and welcomed by those who made this experience possible.” – Michael Olson, Social and Behavioral Sciences Major and Senior at Seton Hall University.

Praxis Programme du Séminaire Avancé sur la Mission Mon, 19 Jun 2023 15:09:26 +0000 Read more…]]> June 11-19, 2023

The sixth summer workshop sponsored by the Center for Vocation and Servant Leadership and the Center for Catholic Studies of Seton Hall University took place in Paray-le-Monial the week of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The continued the curricular theme of the previous academic year, Educating for Cosmopolis: Solutions, through which professors seek processes that support healing and creating and the development of fruitful courses of action. Participants explored how these pathways are the result of the dynamic intersection of GEM and the presence of God’s Spirit dwelling in our interiority. The program was enriched with the participation of several colleagues from Boston College (Massachusetts) and St. Mary’s University (Texas).

At Seton Hall, since 2013, nearly 100 faculty and administrators have participated in the ongoing interdisciplinary learning community that is the Praxis Program. They have aimed to appropriate and integrate the meaning of the Catholic mission of the university into their disciplines and areas of responsibility, using the philosophical thought of Bernard Lonergan, SJ, especially the Generalized Empirical Method (GEM). Through learning about GEM, the program has explored how the disciplines connect to each other, to an integrated understanding of knowledge, and to the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Additionally, a practical project or application is required, Applying the Method (ATM).

Over the past ten years, assessment has found that the Praxis Program meets the need to provide a method (GEM) to analyze the mission, and to encourage a process (self-appropriation) and a means (ATM) by which faculty and administrators have the opportunity to develop themselves and their teaching, while living the university’s Catholic mission more fully through research and teaching in each of the participants’ respective academic disciplines.

“We appreciate all the detailed effort and planning you put into this joint endeavor and are so grateful for the wonderful experience that it was for all the participants! Thank you for your excellent presentations … they were so informative and beautifully tied to the composition of place! Thank you for sharing the richness of the tapestry of life in Paray-le-Monial! We are ever grateful!” – Linda Garofalo, Center for Vocation and Servant Leadership Seton Hall University (New Jersey).

“The summer workshop I attended included faculty from three different U.S. Catholic Institutions. Paray-le-monial is a beautiful town in Burgundy and a center of active Catholicism in France. Our conference lodging, amazing food, pedestrian-friendly town and excursions were perfect for any small-ish size higher education group whose work relates to Catholic education and/or the Catholic intellectual tradition.” - Karen Arnold, Professor in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development at Boston College (Massachusetts).

“I was unaware of the excellence and touch of class that Robert White’s Academie Cor Iesu brings to the workshops before travel. Let it be said, the accommodation, the food, the activities, the location, the hospitality, etc. were all first class. The opportunity to be welcomed by the mayor of Paray-le-Monial and then by the bishop was, in many ways, an affirmation of both the Lonergan-based work of integration and restoration of the Catholic university and of our partnership with Academie Cor Iesu. Indeed, Academie Cor Iesu provided a genuinely inspiring setting which made it easier for each of us to rise to the challenge of giving our best to the work of the workshop. Needless to say, St. Mary’s will be looking forward to our collaboration again in the future.” – James Greenaway, San José-Lonergan Chair in Catholic Philosophy, St. Mary's University (Texas)

Stratégies pour revigorer les programmes de justice sociale dans les collèges et les universités catholiques Thu, 01 Jun 2023 15:06:36 +0000 Read more…]]> May 31 – June 1, 2023

In his video message at the Pontifical Lateran University on October 15, 2020, Pope Francis challenged universities – particularly Catholic universities – to renew their commitment to social justice, especially during this time when the pandemic has made evident the many inequities not only in our health care system but in the entire ecosystem of human communities. To gauge what Catholic institutions are doing in this area and to find ways to build upon one another’s work, the Académie Cor Iesu was invited to moderate an online conference sponsored by Seton Hall University (New Jersey).

“Strategies for Reinvigorating Social Justice Programming at Catholic Colleges and Universities” took place virtually online. The two-day conference brought together scholars and activists from several Catholic colleges and universities in the United States who engage with their local communities and work in areas related to social justice. Among the institutions of higher education represented were the College of Saint Elizabeth (New Jersey), Fairfield University (Connecticut), Fordham University (New York), Georgetown University (Washington DC), Providence College (Rhode Island), and Saint John’s University (New York). The goal of the conference was not only to generate discussion about what institutions are currently doing to meet the deepest needs of their local communities, but also to consider the ways institutions can engage cooperatively to advance this work.

Kicking off the conference was the keynote speaker, Gerald Byer of Villanova University (Pennsylvania), author of Just Universities: Catholic Social Teaching Confronts Corporatized Higher Education. Robert White, Director of the Académie Cor Iesu, gave the other keynote on the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching. Participants gave presentations throughout the other sessions, sharing their work, the challenges they face, and their ideas for ways to move forward together to reinvigorate social justice both on and off their campuses.

“The two-day, online conference about Reinvigorating Social Justice Programming at Catholic Colleges and Universities was an engaging and thought-provoking experience, thanks in no small part to the contributions of Dr. Robert White, founding director of the Académie Cor Iesu. As both the moderator of the conference and a presenter speaking about Catholic Social Teaching and social justice from a contemporary and historical perspective, Dr. White's knowledge and experience were critical to the success of the conference." - Mary Balkun, Professor of English at Seton Hall University (New Jersey)

“This conference forced me to confront the realities of my workplace and my position in the higher education ecosystem. It was a pleasure sharing my perspectives, learning from others, and discussing ideas for future collaboration. I highly recommend this conference to anyone involved in Catholic higher education and I would gladly participate again.” – Joseph Pastino, Fund Development and Research Consultant, Adjunct Professor of Political Science and Public Affairs at Saint Elizabeth University (New Jersey)

“I am grateful that I had the opportunity to participate in the Reinvigorating Social Justice Conference. The conference brought together professionals from a variety of disciplines united by the common goal of advancing social justice. The guest speakers posed important questions about Catholic Social Teaching, the corporatization of Catholic higher education, and the steps we can all take to make our respective institutions more equitable for everyone.” – Andrea Canuel, Associate Director for Community-Engaged Learning in the Center for Social Impact at Fairfield University (Connecticut)
