Photo credits

All the photos on the pages of this site are listed here: 
Home – header – pexels-abel-tan-jun-yang-159935.jpg : Photo by Abel Tan Jun Yang from Pexels
Home – footer – pexels-pixabay-207691.jpg :NA
Home – header, icône –By Bartama Graphic, ID – In the Charity – Outline Collection

Mission - header - Photo de Mark Stebnicki provenant de Pexels 

Why Paray-le-Monial ? - header - Frank Maddocks flickr

Why Paray-le-Monial ? - paragraph 1 - Jean-Marc Bilquez flickr

Why Paray-le-Monial ? - paragraph 2 - Paray-le-Monial – France (by Net Circlion)

Why Paray-le-Monial ? - paragraph 3 -  tumblr grandboute

Why Paray-le-Monial ? - paragraph 4 - Photo de Pixabay provenant de Pexels

Events – header – pexels-janko-ferlic-590493.jpg : Photo de Janko Ferlic provenant de Pexels

Events - jean-louis Zimmermann

Contact us - header - Photo de Ann Nekr provenant de Pexels

Donate - header - Photo de cottonbro provenant de Pexels

Payment validated/failed - Photo de cottonbro provenant de Pexels
